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I have a broad education and training and many years of experience with methods in social science with a focus on innovation and evaluation research; many projects about health innovation, prevention, rehabilitation and psychiatry, respective conference papers and publications in books and journals.
My particular competencies lie in the following areas:
- Manager of Business Unit 'Innovation in the Health System' at Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
- Empirical and discourse projects on health innovations, health policy and legal framework conditions
- Analysis of healthcare innovations and innovation systems
- Projects to evaluate research funding programmes and regulation of innovation processes
- Consulting for health policy and health research
Evaluation und Health Technology Assessment
- Focus of my university training and doctoral thesis in the area
- Lectures and scientific contributions about evaluation research
- Development of methods for Health Technology Assessment
- Lead of EU projects and projects on technology assessment e.g. for the German Federal Parliament
Quality development
- Development of tailored outcome indicators for prevention and health promotion, rehabilitation and psychiatry
- EFQM-Assessor
- National quality measurements, benchmarking of healthcare providers
- Introduction of a system for process management in inpatient psychiatry
- Needs assessment for as well as development and implementation of improvement projects in psychiatry
Research, data management and statistics
- University training with focus on research methodology and evaluation
- Broad training and continuous education in statistical data analysis, e.g. Erasmus-Summer-School on clinical epidemiology, systematic reviews, LISREL
- Successful acquisition and management of a large number of empirical projects on hospital, regional, national and international level as well as for private clients, e.g. management of the institute of analyses for the national quality measurements inpatient psychiatry in Switzerland 2012-2017
- Reviewer for scientific journals and for EU funding (Horizon 2020)
Education and training
- Diploma and Ph.D. in psychology
- Continuous education on rhetorics, project management etc.
- Teaching at university level about research methods, e.g. economic evaluation, social and health psychology
- Support for and informal mentoring for master and doctoral theses in psychology and social medicine
- Counseling about statistics and research designs in the areas of rehabilitation, health innovation, HTA, psychiatry
- Contributions to the training of specialists in psychiatry
- Own company with ca. 50 ha of fields and pastures in Gällared, Sweden, with focus on raising pastured young cattle as well as restauration and maintenance of nature reserves
- One year vocational education with classes in plant production, animal care, machines and business economy, various advanced courses
- Several years of experience on different farms
- Member of Swedish Farmers' Association ("Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund", LRF) and elected representative to its communal board
- Member of Swedish Association of Ecological Farmers ("Ekologiska Lantbrukarna")