Bührlen, B. & Menrad, K. (2006). Consumers' attitudes towards functional foods based on GMOs. Poster presented at the 10th Karlsruhe Nutrition Congress, Health Aspects of Vegetables and Fruits - Scientific Evidence for '5-a-day', October 15 - 17, 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Bock, A.-K., Rodriguez-Cerezo, E., Hüsing, B., Bührlen, B. & Nusser, M. (2005). Human tissue-engineered products: Potential socio-economic impacts of a new European regulatory framework for authorisation, supervision and vigilance. Technical Report EUR 21838 EN. Sevilla: IPTS.
Bührlen, B. (2005). Akzeptanz und Verbraucherverhalten bei gesundheitsorientierten Lebensmitteln. Verbundprojekt Carotinoide. Abschlussbericht. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.
Bührlen, B. (2005). Der IRES-3 im Vergleich zum IRES-2. In R. Leonhart & N. Gerdes (Hrsg.), Der IRES-Fragebogen in Theorie und Praxis (S. 111-123). Regensburg: S. Roderer.
Bührlen, B., Gerdes, N. & Jäckel, W. H. (2005). Entwicklung und psychometrische Testung eines Patientenfragebogens für die medizinische Rehabilitation (IRES-3). Die Rehabilitation, 44, 63-74.
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-834687
Gerdes, N., Bührlen, B., Lichtenberg, S. & Jäckel, W. H. (2005). Rehabilitationsnachsorge - Analyse der Nachsorgeempfehlungen und ihrer Umsetzung. Rehabilitationswissenschaften, Rehabilitationspsychologie, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Bd. 10. Regensburg: S. Roderer.
Bührlen, B. (2005, September). Effectiveness of innovative technologies and interventions to improve compliance with pharmaceutical treatment. Oral presentation, 2nd Annual Forum on Patient Compliance, Persistency and Disease Management, 19-20 September 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Bührlen, B., Canavari, M. & Breitschopf, B. (2005, April). Determinants of consumer preferences towards functional foods with seaweed ingredients. Oral presentation, 97th EAAE Seminar on "The Economics & Policy of Diet and Health", 21-22 April 2005, Reading, UK.
Blind, K., Bührlen, B., Menrad, K., Hafner, S., Walz, R. & Kotz, C. (2004). New Products and Services: Analysis of Regulations Shaping New Markets . Study funded by the European Commission, DG Enterprise / Innovation Policy Unit, in the Framework of the Innovation / SMEs Programme, Part of the Fifth Research Framework Programme. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the EU.
Bührlen, B. (2004). Bewegungstherapeutische Interventionen: Ziele, Operationalisierbarkeit und Intervention aus rehabilitationswissenschaftlicher Sicht. In A. Woll, W. Brehm & K. Pfeifer (Hrsg.), Intervention und Evaluation im Gesundheitssport und in der Sporttherapie. Hamburg, S. 54-64.
Bührlen, B. & Reiss, T. (2004). Impact evaluation of the Control of Infectious Diseases Key Action in the Fifth Framework Programme of Research. Brussels: European Commission.
Bührlen, B. (2004). Legislative aspects of functional ingredients like phytoestrogens. Oral Presentation at the Second Open Plenary Meeting of PHYTOHEALTH: "Phytoestrogens for Food Applications", October 27-30, 2004 Hersonissos-Heraklion, Crete, Greece.